We're in the Discovery Business!

We are a bunch of STEM enthusiasts from all walks of life who wake up every day excited about the chance to help our community learn more about the world around them. Whether you're looking to join the Science Center staff, want to help out a few hours a week as a volunteer, or just want to feel like family by becoming a member, there is a place for you at the Science Center!

Ways to Get Involved

Current Job Openings

The Science Center is a state agency under Virginia's Secretary of Education. All state staff positions are posted on the Virginia Jobs website.

Volunteer Opportunities

Join the team of awesome volunteers who make the Science Center such a special place. Contact us to learn more about volunteer roles.


Join the Science Center family today and unlock a year of never-ending discovery. We offer several membership levels to fit your needs.

Support the Science Center

Consider a charitable donation to support the Science Center's mission.

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